Endodontics Print


Endodontic or root canal is one of our specialties we practice to serve tooth/teeth that are otherwise condemned to extraction. It involves one or two sitting depending on the condition of the tooth with present or absent of chronic infection with periapical involvement. The procedure involves removal of live or infected nerves and blood vessels in the pulp chamber and roots of the tooth,  afterwards the tooth is cleaned and sterilized and the canals filled or obturated with gutta pencha and cavity filled with normal filling material. For posterior teeth we recommend making a dental crown to protect the tooth from fracture immediately after finishing the root canal – anterior teeth are less prone to fracture but it is also advisable to protect them from undue damaged.

Indications for doing root canals:-

·        Tooth with deep carious with pulp involvement

·        Tooth with pulp irreversible damaged

·        Tooth with periapical infection (abscess)

·        Restoration of tooth with crown which require extensive modification